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Our Weatherization program offers measures that lower household energy use and utility costs. Certified UCAN staff study the entire home to come up with worthwhile steps to best meet program goals. We hire contractors to perform needed work.


Work that we may offer you through this program includes:

  • Insulating attics, walls and floors,
  • Sealing air leaks,
  • Improving attic and under-floor air flow,
  • Installing carbon monoxide and smoke alarms,
  • Sealing and insulating heating ducts,
  • Servicing heating equipment,
  • Performing minor health and safety repairs.

We also provide you info and energy kits to help you further reduce your household energy use.

To Qualify

We offer this service if you:

  • Meet income guidelines,
  • Live in Douglas or Josephine County,
  • Own or rent your home (includes manufactured homes and homes in duplexes),
  • Have a home with issues that we can address, and the cost to address your home’s issues is reasonable.

Our Process

1. We take calls at (541) 492-3902 in Douglas County and (541) 956-4064 in Josephine County.

2. Once contacted, we add you to our waiting list. With limited funds, you may need to stay on the waiting list for a couple of years.

3. After reaching the top of the wait list, we reach out to you and prepare your application.

4. We send the application to you for review.

5. If you approve the application, you sign and return it to us, along with copies of:

6. Once the application is complete and you sign it, we visit your home.

7. We inspect your home to see what we can do to keep you warm at the lowest cost. We also provide education and offer kits to help you reduce your household’s energy use.

8. Once we give the okay, we arrange for others to come do the work.

9. When the work is complete, we make sure it is top quality.


While we can help perform work so homes stay warmer, we do not offer general repairs for homes. Other programs that can support general home repairs locally include: