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Letter from the Executive Director – Spring 2022

From our veteran services to our early childhood programming, all of our services benefit your community. When we pay off a neighbor’s unpaid water bill, your community receives funds that keep everyone’s water bills lower. When a child attends Head Start classes, their parents have more time they can work, earning money that supports local businesses. Those receiving tax assistance from us often obtain refunds that they then invest in local communities.

Our work also benefits a range of local institutions, like schools, hospitals and public safety departments. Teachers work with more children that are ready to succeed in the classroom. Hospitals have fewer patients needing costly care. Police are less involved with managing issues often exacerbated by poverty, like addiction.

When your neighbors have their needs met, the quality of life improves throughout your community. Rather than spending the day focused on addressing families’ basic needs, parents have time to get involved with their children’s school, to take their kids to local parks. Seniors that were formerly isolated now volunteer and engage with other community members in need.

I invite you to join us in Caring for Our Communities. Your donations provide critical flexible funds allowing us to meet urgent needs. Your service as a volunteer brings you great satisfaction while helping a neighbor in need. Looking for meaningful work? We would love to chat with you, as we have many open positions that can further your career.

To find out more about how to join us in caring for your community, I invite you to visit our new website at


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